The South of England Airedale Terrier Club


90th Anniversary

1935 - 2025

90th Anniversary

1935 - 2025

Welcome to the

South of England Airedale Terrier Club Website

The present club was formed in 1935 although, in the historical sense, the club was actually ' re-formed in that year.

A South of England Airedale Terrier Club was first registered with the Kennel Club on the 11th October 1898 after

Mr Holland Buckley had applied and the fee of ONE GUINEA ( 105p) paid. He later became a respected Secretary of the Kennel Club.

The Club Currently holds two shows a year Open & Championship, as well as informal rallies and walks for members to meet up socially.

We hope you find the information that you are looking for, if you have any further unanswered questions then please do not hesitate to contact us by email

Judge Mr Andew Westwood

Best In show Mr Nigel & Mrs Helen TOULSON'S  Toulsyork Taylor Made With Best Bitch and Reserve Best In show Mrs  Leslie LEE'S  Jolliver Joy Ride to Stargus

Photo Gus Lee